Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Important Computer Shortcut Keys
Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Dear Reader, We will learn the  topic of Important Computer Shortcut Keys through HELP2YOUTH for all the HSSC, SSC, Bank jobs and Other Competition Exam. If any information of  regarding Important Computer Shortcut Keys, then share in our comment box.

Important Computer Shortcut Keys

computer have become a very important part of life because computer subject is a common section or various competition exam like HSSC, SSC, Banks and all Education filed. So we have discussed the important Computer Shortcut Keys like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Windows and Basic Computermaxresdefault 4

Basic Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Alt + F – File menu options

Alt + E – Edits options

F1 – Universal help for program

Ctrl + A – Selects all text.

Ctrl + X – Cuts the selected text

Ctrl + Del- Cut selected text

Ctrl + C – Copy the selected text.

Ctrl + V – Paste the selected text.

Home – Go to the front page or line

Ctrl + Home – Go to the beginning of the document.

End – Go to the end of the page or line.

Ctrl + End – Go to the end of a document.

Shift + Home – Highlight from current position to beginning of the line.

Shift + End- Highlight from current position to end of the line.

Ctrl + Left arrow – Go to left word

Ctrl + Right arrow – Go to right word

Microsoft Window Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Alt + Tab – Switch the document or program

Alt + Shift + Tab – Switch backward between open winodwdocument and application or program

Alt + Print Screen – Screenshot for program.

Ctrl + Alt + Del – Windows task manager.

Ctrl + Esc – Go to the start menu.

Alt + Esc – Switch between applications on the taskbar.

F2 – Rename selected folder

F3 – Start find from the desktop.

F4 – Open the drive selection when browsing.

F5 – Refresh the current program or application

Alt + F4 – Close current document or program

Ctrl + F4 – Close window current document or program

Alt + Enter – Open properties

Shift + F10 – Right-click on selected text

Shift + Del – Delete program

Word Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + A – Select all text in current program

Ctrl + B – Bold text

Ctrl + C – Copy text.

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text.word

Ctrl + N – Open a new document

Ctrl + O – Open a document in a computer

Ctrl + P – Print the Program or page

Ctrl + F – Open find text and replace the text

Ctrl + I – Italic the selected text

Ctrl + K – Insert the link with selected text

Ctrl + U – Underline text

Ctrl + V – Paste the selected copy text

Ctrl + Y – Redo the last work in current document

Ctrl + Z – Undo last action

Ctrl + J – Justify the page or  paragraph in a document

Ctrl + L – Go to left of selected text Or line

Ctrl + Q – Go to left selected paragraph

Ctrl + E – Go to center selected text or line

Ctrl + R – Go to right selected text or line

Ctrl + M – Indent the paragraph.

Ctrl + D – Font options.

Ctrl + Shift + F – Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + ] – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + [ – Decrease selected font -1

Ctrl + Up arrow – Go to front line or paragraph.

Ctrl + Down arrow – Go to the end of the paragraph.

Ctrl + Del – Delete word to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl + Backspace – Delete word to the left of the cursor.

Ctrl + End – Go to end of the document.

Ctrl + Home – Move cursor to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl + 1 – Single space lines in a paragraph

Ctrl + 2 – Double space lines in a paragraph

Ctrl + 5 – 1.5 line spacing in a paragraph

Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Shift + Insert – Paste the item

F7 – Spelling check selected text or document.

Shift + F7 – Activate the thesaurus.

F12 – Save the file 2nd name

Ctrl + S – Save the file

Alt + Shift + D – Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T – Insert the current time

Ctrl + W – Close document file or program

Excel Important Computer Shortcut Keys

F2 – Edit Selected cell

F5 – Go to a specific cell

F7  – Spelling check text or document

F11 – You Create a chart optionexcel

Ctrl + Shift + ; – Use current time.

Ctrl + ; – Usr current date

Alt + Shift + F1 – Insert a new workbook

Shift + F3 – Open the formula’s

Shift + F5 – Searching box option

Ctrl + A – Select all text of worksheet.

Ctrl + B – Bold text

Ctrl + I – Italic text

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + V – Paste the copied text

Ctrl + K – Insert link of text

Ctrl + F – Open the dialogue box

Ctrl + G – Open go to options

Ctrl + H – Go to find and replace

Ctrl + U – Underline text

Ctrl + Y – Underline selected text.

Ctrl + 5 – Strike through highlighted selection

Ctrl + N – Open a new document or worksheet

Ctrl + P – Go to print option of document or file

Ctrl + S – Save the program or file

Ctrl + Z – Undo last action.

Ctrl + F9 – Minimize current window.

Ctrl + F10 – Maximize currently selected window.

Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + Page up & Page Down – Move between Excel worksheets in the same document.

Ctrl + Tab – Move between two or more open Excel files

Alt + = – Open the formula’s to sum all of the above cells.

Ctrl + – Insert the value

Ctrl + Shift + ! – Format number in comma format.

Ctrl + Shift + $ – Format number in currency format.

Ctrl + Shift + # – Format number in date format.

Ctrl + Shift + % – Format number in percentage format.

Ctrl + Shift + ^ – Format number in scientific format.

Ctrl + Shift + @ – Format number in time format

Ctrl +Right arrow – Go to next section of text

Ctrl + Space – Select entire column.

Shift + Space – Select entire row.

Ctrl + W – Close document.

PowerPoint Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + A – Select all the text on an active slide

Ctrl + N – Open a New Slide

Ctrl + O – Open the dialouge box option

Ctrl + S – Save a slide

Alt + F2 or F12 – Open the Save As dialog box

Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 – Close a presentation

Ctrl + Q – Save and close a presentation

Ctrl + Z – Undo an action

Ctrl + Y – Redo an action

Ctrl + F2 – Print Preview View

F7 – Spelling Check

Alt or F10 – Turn the key tips to ‘on’ or ‘off’

Ctrl + F1 – Show or hide the ribbon

Ctrl + F – Find and Replace

Alt + F – Open the File tab menu

Alt + H – Go to the Home tab

Alt + N – Open the Insert tab

Alt + G – Open the Design tab

Alt + K – Go to the Transitions tab

Alt + A – Go to the Animations tab

Alt + S – Go to the Slide Show tab

Alt + R – Go to the Review tab

Alt + W – Go to View tab

Alt + X – Go to the Add-ins tab

Alt + Y – Go to the Help tab

Ctrl + Tab – Switch between open presentations

Tab –  Select or move on to the next object on a slide

Shift + Tab – Select or move to a previous object on a slide

Home –  Go to front of the slide

End – Go to the end of the slide

PgDn – Move to the next slide

PgUp – Move to the previous slidePower

Editing and Formatting PowerPoint Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + X – Cut the selected text

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert – Copy the selected text or slide

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert – Paste the selected text or slide

Ctrl + Alt + V – Open the Paste Special dialog box

Delete – Delete the selected text or slide

Ctrl + B – Toggle bold on the selected item

Ctrl + I – Toggle italics on the selected item

Ctrl + U – Add or remove underline to selected item

Ctrl + E – Center align the selected item

Ctrl + J – Justify the selected paragraph or line

Ctrl + L – Left align the selected item or paragraph

Ctrl + R – Right align the selected item or paragraph

Ctrl + T – Display the Font dialog box after text or object is selected

Ctrl + K – Insert a hyperlink to selected text

Ctrl + M – Insert a new slide

Ctrl + D – Duplicate the selected object or a slide (for selecting a slide, you will first need to click on a slide thumbnail)

Slide Show PowerPoint Important Computer Shortcut Keys

F5 – Show the all slide in main screen

Shift + F5 – Show the current slide

Ctrl + P – Using a Pen tool when playing the slideshow

N or Page Down – Go to the next slide

P or Page Up – Go to  previous slide

B – Change the screen to black during a slideshow

Esc – End the slideshow

Dear Readers, Hope you satisfy with the topic of Important Computer Shortcut Keys, If any information of  regarding Important Computer Shortcut Keys, then share in our comment box.

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